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The third Insurance Day was held at the Faculty of Economics in cooperation with the Insurance Supervision Agency

The third Insurance Day was held at the Faculty of Economics, in cooperation with the Insurance Supervision Agency. This year’s theme was dedicated to life insurance, as one of the key segments in the insurance industry.
During the discussion, it was pointed out that the life insurance market in our country is growing, but also that there is significant room for further progress and development.
The executive director of Wiener Städtische životno osiguranje, Andrija Pesic, was one of the participants on the panel, where he pointed out the potentials and challenges in this sector and emphasized the importance of increasing citizens’ awareness of the benefits of life insurance.
Special attention is paid to the Unit Linked product, for now unique on the market thanks to Wiener osiguranje’s offer, which definitely represents a significant step forward in meeting the growing market needs for new, more innovative insurance models.The end of the event was marked by the awarding of prizes to the students who won the quiz, which were provided for them by the insurance companies. Also, the Agency’s Annual Awards for the best graduate and master’s thesis in the field of insurance were awarded. One of the winners is the Actuary of the Wiener Städtische Life Insurance, Milena Jovović, who received the Annual Award for the best master’s thesis in the field of insurance.